Hannah Creech

I am a Computer Science and Neuroscience double major. I graduated from Harrison County High School where I had my first programming experience. I ended up at NKU through a series of unfortunate fortunate events. The unfortunate event being an inability to gain a medical waiver to attend West Point, the US Military Academy. The fortunate events being becoming a recipient of the LIFE Scholarship and having a couple of other scholarship opportunities to attend NKU.
I came to NKU to study Computer Science with the intention of minoring in Neuroscience, an interest that stemmed from nerve damage I incurred my freshman year of high school. I chose to study Computer Science after falling in love with programming my junior year of high school. I had originally planned to become a lawyer before I took a computer science class. After taking some of the classes for Neuroscience, I decided to upgrade it to an additional major. I have had great opportunities and experiences since coming to NKU and being a L.I.F.E. Fellow.
Through NKU and my scholarship, I have been able to do undergraduate research. I started my research background here with comparative research of cloud computing and edge computing. I am currently doing research in bioinformatics as well as artificial intelligence. Through this research I have learned a lot of new skills. I worked on assembling genomes and predicting American football plays. I have been able to present my research at NKU and my artificial intelligence research at UK’s computational summit. I am currently working on predicting scores in football games. I have also been able to grow close mentoring relationships with the professors I’ve worked with. I am extremely thankful for the opportunities this scholarship has given me as well as for the financial aid.
Predicting American Football Scores and Plays
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Fox, NKU
Applying knowledge-based artificial intelligence approaches, support vector machines, and neural networks to use data to predict score outcomes and each play of of football games.
Assembling and Comparing Diatom Genomes
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joshua Cooper, NKU
Using high throughput computation, assemble diatom genomes from field samples. Compare different evolutionary genomes to
see similarities and differences in the genome.
Comparative Edge Computing
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wei Hao, NKU
Gather a solid base of knowledge of Amazon Edge computation and compare Edge computing with regular service by creating an Edge Application Program Interface.