Carlee Franklin

I am a freshman Computer Science major at Northern Kentucky University. I graduated from George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester, Kentucky where I participated in the School Based Scholars Program during my senior year. With my increased exposure to NKU, I knew this school would become my home. For the first time in my academic career, I was shown an area of learning that perfectly encompassed my talents and passions: informatics. The uniqueness of NKU’s College of Informatics drew me into the university by showing me a new career journey that combines my passions of information, research, writing, and technology into one field of learning.
I am a freshman Computer Science major at Northern Kentucky University. I graduated from George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester, Kentucky where I participated in the School Based Scholars Program during my senior year. With my increased exposure to NKU, I knew this school would become my home. For the first time in myacademic career, I was shown an area of learning that perfectly encompassed my talents and passions: informatics. The uniqueness of NKU’s College of Informatics drew me into the university by showing me a new career journey that combines my passions of information, research, writing, and technology into one field of learning.
Upon learning about the L.I.F.E. Fellowship program, I realized that it would be the perfect outlet for me to combine my passions for research and Computer Science. This semester, I began working with Dr. Chattopadhyay on his research project to develop a web extension to fact-check online healthcare provider profiles and websites to combat Internet-related health anxiety. Being a L.I.F.E. Scholar has not only provided me with this unique opportunity, but it has also relieved financial setbacks, which allows me to fully commit to pursuing my passion. I am beyond grateful for the multitude of opportunities that have been provided to me, and I anticipate the journey that this scholarship will take me in the upcoming years. Thank you!
Internet-Related Health Anxiety
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ankur Chattopadhyay, NKU
We are working on a project to develop a web extension to fact-check online healthcare provider profiles and websites to combat Internet-related health anxiety.