Research Grants
L.I.F.E provides grants to support innovative research, to sustain productive research teams and to
encourage and support investigators in the early part of their career.

Eligibility for Funding
All UC faculty with 80% or greater FTE, including those based at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, as well as outside researchers in non-profit organizations with novel approaches, are eligible to apply for funding.
How to Apply
All eligible applicants should submit a one page Letter of Intent (LOI) and NIH biographical sketch to the L.I.F.E. Foundation. The LOI should describe the problem to be addressed, its significance, and the approach that will be used to answer the proposed
scientific question.
Submit a one page Letter of Intent
Submit a NIH Biographical sketch

Timeline & Progress Reports
Researchers will have until the end of the THIRD year following initial funding to complete their project and submit their final report. Funding will be provided in two installments up two $100,000 in two installments of $50,000 coming in years one and two. All investigators who receive funding will be expected to provide a detailed progress report eleven months after the start of funding. The progress report should indicate project status, challenges, remaining project timeline, and estimated costs for completion. The second year of funding will be granted by the Scientific Advisory Committee based on review of the progress report. For a current timeline and guidelines use the button below.